Shadrach & Wilson - The Medal of Honor


The Medal of Honor

[Return Address]

Jim Mattis
Secretary of Defense
1000 Defense Pentagon
Washington, DC 20301-1000


Subject: Request for Medal of Honor Award for Private Philip G. Shadrach, Company K. 2nd Ohio and Private George D. Wilson, Company B, 2nd, Ohio: Civil War - Andrews’ Raid of April 12, 1862

Dear Mr. Secretary of Defense Mattis,

I am writing in support of Private Philip Gephart Shadrach and Private George Davenport Wilson for the Medal of Honor for acts of valor as one of Andrews' Raiders during the Civil War.

I have reviewed historical records of the Andrews’ Raid and of the actions and valor demonstrated by Private Shadrach and Private Wilson. I have reviewed the Congressional Legislation and Authorization and Request for the President to make the MOH award to these soldiers. The valor demonstrated by these men and the Presidential Authorization for this award is consistent with various Department of Defense Eligibility, Review and Recommendation processes of which I have also reviewed. There appears to be no finding of fact or law or inconsistency with the high standard that merits this award.

Please consider remedy of this historical oversight at your earliest convenience and respectfully request that President honor these men with this esteemed award.

A repository of the above referenced information may be found at the website: for your review and verification.

Most respectfully submitted,
[Your Name]